Each night I sit at my computer and I read the comments....I read the blogs....and my heart aches. So many of our friends are in the midst of the craziness that we call adoption. Man it is a hard journey and honestly the thought of going through it again brings me great anxiety....but when you hold that baby for the first time in your arms you KNOW it was ALL WORTH IT! The paperwork....the courtdates....the long awaited emails....the silence....the waiting....the waiting....the waiting......yep it is all worth it!
We have friends that are all on various journey's. Each of them having a different reason for choosing to adopt. But the one thing they (we) all have in come is that somewhere in a land very far away there is a young woman who is going to carry our child. She is going to make one of the most selfless decisions that can ever be made. She is going to bring our babies into this world. I am thankful for those women. Not because they have to make those heart wrenching decisions. Not because they have to go through the shame, embarrassment, and pain of carrying a child they will never see grow up. No I am thankful for them because they choose life for their baby and they are giving us mommies and daddies in the US hope. They are blessing us with a life that we can nurture, love, and care for. I will probably never get to thank Kyler's biological mom in person......oh how I would love to be able to do that.....and she will probably never see his face......oh how we would welcome that opportunity......but I love her. I love her with a love that only those who have adopted or are going to adopt will ever know. She holds a special place in my heart and I am so thankful for her life and her sacrifice.
So as you read this blog will join with me in praying for the women that are bringing our babies into this world? Will you pray for their protection....for there faith....for there lives?
After you pray for these women will you also pray for our various friends who are in various stages of adopting. Pray for comfort, strength, and patience for these husbands and wives.
*Trevor and Jennifer Chase-Ethiopia (no gender preference....on waiting list now)
*Wade and Danielle Gysen-Taiwan (boy)
*TC and Danielle Fantigrossi-Taiwan
*Jason and Kate Clayton-Taiwan
*Adam and Hannah Montee-Taiwan (girl...should be leaving the country within the next several months to go bring her home)
*Chris and Amber Strickland-Ethiopia (girl...getting on the list in May)
*Brian and Bekah Wadell-Taiwan (twin boys...should be leaving the country within the next several month to bring their boys home)
*Jeff and Joyce Denson-Taiwan (boy...should be leaving the country VERY SOON to bring their baby boy home)
*Tim and Kelly Bogard-Taiwan
*Of course Richard and I would also welcome your prayers as we adopt a little girl from Taiwan*
I know that their are many more that I am forgetting...so if you have someone to add to this list please comment!
Love you all....
One Less,
Tim and Kelly Bogard.......Taiwan ;)
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Tiffany and readers for the prayers. I will add that we will be getting a girl from Ethiopia. We should be on the waiting list by mid-May.