
Monday, February 28, 2011

When is it okay to just give up?

That is a question I have been asking myself for weeks. To say that these past few months have been hard would be the understatement of the year. It seems like Richard and I can never get a break. We are both beat down and exhausted. We thought that life back in the states would come together a bit more smoothly...we thought that getting into the routine of life would be a whole lot easier...and we thought that God would open the doors for us a whole lot sooner....God's timing NOT OURS!
Today has been one of those days I want to curl up and go hide in a corner. My heart is aching for a baby that I don't think is checkbook is leaking money that I know we don't have...and my soul is searching for answers that are not coming that easy. Crying...yep...that is what my day has been. These are REFINING times. These times of brokenness only make us stronger. I know that we are not alone and I know (for a fact) that we have friends who are a lot worse off than we are....but man...refining is hard work.
God promises us that he will provide for us and be faithful to us in all circumstances and right now I am clinging to that promise.
It is just one of those days...
It is bound to happen...
Prayer is what I (we) need...
Praise the Lord HE is in control...

If you would like to pray for us goes:
*Richard finds a job VERY soon.
*We figure my health stuff out.
*God will provide for us on our adoption journey and give us direction as we make decisions in that area.
*God will provide a small group for us to be a part of....Richard and I could really use a "sense of community" right now!

Special Note:
In happier news....our online adoption auction will be happening very soon! Make sure to continue to check back for details!

Love and Blessings,

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