
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Support Update!

2 1/2 weeks until we leave! Before we know it we will be boarding a plane for our journey! So many emotions cloud my thoughts! But G is good and HE is faithful!

We had a little scare this week with Kyler's passport. We received a call from the Passport Administration saying they needed more paperwork for Kyler's passport. Since he is adopted the needed the Adoption Decree (a paper that proves Richard and I actually are his adoptive parents). I had take the decree with us to the post office when we applied for his passport because it had said on-line that they needed it but the post master that processed our paperwork said we didnt so we didnt send it time I am going to go with my gut! :) We sent the needed paperwork yesterday and they assured us that we will receive Ky's passport before we leave!

Support is still coming in.....we now have $750 of the $1500 monthly support we need. HALF WAY THERE! Please consider partnering with us if you aren't already!!! We have also had some very generous one time gifts and had two couples sent money to pay for our health insurance for the whole year. We are blessed! We are still trying to sell our car...but all in G's perfect timing! (we did drop the price if anyone is interested)!!

Hope everyone is having a great week! Continue to keep us in your prayers!
Much love,

Saturday, July 24, 2010

3 weeks....and counting....

We cannot believe that we leave the country in about 3 weeks. There are so many "things" that need to come together. We where so blessed by the outpouring of support we got for school supplies. We had several generous donations (2 churches are asking for supplies at their weeks of VBS) and several sent supplies as well as donations for us to purchase supplies so our classrooms should be set.

We continue to raise our financial support ($350 of the $1500 we need has been committed). It is very scary but we are putting our full trust in G that the support will come in over the next 3 weeks. If you haven't already...will you please pray about supporting us on a monthly basis? $10, 20, 50, 100, 200??? Every bit helps!! We still feel such a peace about going to K and in that peace we have to trust. We were recently asked....what will you do if the support doesnt come in?? Well we are choosing not to entertain that question (or at least until we absolutely have too). :)

We did get a call today from the Passport Administration wanting to speak with "the parents of Kyler Jett". We weren't by the phone so they left a message. We tried to call back but the offices wont be open again until Monday. We are P that their is not a set back with Kyler's passport. Since he is adopted we had to submit several extra pieces of paperwork. The lady at the post office said everything was we are P they called just to verify information.

We head out tomorrow for a week in Knoxville. We will be going through our storage unit to get what we will need for the next year and to also spend some time with Richard's sister Rachel and her boyfriend Josh. We are very excited about this visit!

Please continue to P for the sell of our car and for our monthly support raising! If you have any questions or need more information please email us at

Much love to you all,
Richard, Tiffany, and Kyler

Here are some ideas for financial support that we stole from another M. If you do not think you can support a M or M group once a month try doing one (or several) of these...
--Support in a group effort (take up an offering as a sunday school class or a small group, that way each couple or person only has to give $5-10 a month)
--Send your Starbucks allowance :)
--Don't eat out one time during the month and send what you would spend
--Hold a garage sale or bake sale in our honor and send us the proceeds
--Cut the cable on your TV or internet on your phone and send your monthly payment (we have decided not to have TV in our home while in K....we challenge you to do the same for a year)
--Step out on faith that G will provide and commit to giving a gift!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A new decade...a new adventure....

NEVER in a bazillion years did I think that when I turned 30 I would also be heading to Kosova. Wow....God is so amazing. Today was a very special day. Richard, Kyler and I went to the Lake James School of Missions. What an awesome opportunity to connect with missionaries, see old friends, and make new friends. It was a fantastic way to spend my big 3-0. Next summer we hope to attend the camp for the entire week...instead of just one day.

The financial support is slowly coming in, but we know that God will provide for us and so we are putting our trust in HIM. We are SOOO thankful for the friends and family who have committed to supporting us monthly and with one time gifts. We have $350 of the $1500 we need (monthly).

We need to purchase TONS of schools supplies and other necessities to take with us so if you belong to a Sunday School class, small group, or bible study that would like to partner with us in the effort to purchase these things....please let me know! I can send you a list of everything we need OR you can take up an offering and send it to us for that purpose and we will use it to buy the supplies (if you want to save money on shipping).

Continue to pray for the sale of our car! We have lowered the price to exactly what we owe. God is faithful!!!

Much love to you all....

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Richard's Side of the Story

I know a lot of people are probably surprised by the news that we are going to K for a year to teach, but no one is more surprised by this than me. Tiffany explained her side of how this all unfolded earlier this week (Click Here to read her story), and now I would like to tell my side of how this unfolded.

We decided to take a step of faith and go to the NACC. The day before we were going to leave to the NACC was Sunday and someone had given Tiffany’s mom money to help us. It was the confirmation that we needed that we were to go to the NACC.

On Tuesday we had not been there for even an hour when M that serve as teachers at a high school in K who approached my dad at the IDES booth. IDES had helped the Chesnuts and this school so they came to say that they needed to find some more teachers if he ran into anyone interested at the convention. He pointed to Tiffany saying, “There is one right there.” Tiffany said that she would teach anywhere but it was me they would have to convince. I was on my way to something and just told them to tell Tiffany everything. I walked away thinking in my head that the answer was no.

But then Tiffany told me all the information and introduced me to the M and a stirring began in my spirit. I tried to ignore it and was still convinced that we were going to Knoxville. Then we went into the opening session. I couldn’t enjoy the worship as it started and I couldn’t understand why…until Ben Cachiaras came out and preached. G began to work me over and beat me with the 4x4 He likes to use on me. The sermon was all about how JC calls us to go beyond and to do so we have to drop our fishing nets that we are holding on to. To be a disciple of JC it is all or nothing and we have to dive in. I was getting the message loud and clear.

But the nail in the coffin was the closing songs. The W team led us into singing “I Surrender All.” This song has always spoke to me and as we sang G began to remind me of my Ordination Ceremony where we sang that song. It was as if G was saying to me, “Remember Richard. You decided to surrender to me. Did you mean it?”

I realized I couldn’t truly say, “I surrender ALL” if my ‘all’ had boundaries.

My boundaries had been determined by others for a long time. I had compromised for to long in my walk with G doing just enough to please my conscience and make me look good to others. To others I was living radical, but I knew differently. That night I decided enough was enough and for me to truly surrender all I needed to be willing to do whatever G asked even if it meant going to K. So I replied back to G that if He wanted us to go to K for a year I would go. Instantly there was a peace in my spirit as if He was saying, “Then go.” So as the team went into “From the Inside Out” the opening verse was my reply back to G:

A thousand times I've failed
Still your mercy remains
And should I stumble again
Still I'm caught in your grace
Everlasting, Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending, Your glory goes beyond all fame
My heart and my soul, I give You control
Consume me from the inside out L
Let justice and praise, become my embrace
To love You from the inside out

As we broke from the session I said to Tiffany, “So, wanna go to K?” We talked to our folks and others to gather their input and advice. They all confirmed that we should go. We knew we should because to not do so would be an act of disobedience.

So here we are. We are trying to sell our car and raise the $1,500 monthly support we need in a month’s time, but we know G will work things out as we obey Him. Will you consider joining us in this adventure by supporting us (Click here to view our support letter)?

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Support Letter!!!

Dear Family and Friends,

I hope this letter finds you well and having a great summer! Our summer has been full of changes and it has been so exciting to see where G is leading us. A professor of Richard’s once said, “It is easier for G to steer a moving car than a parked one.” That statement has never become more true to us than this past week at the NACC. It was a great time of spiritual refreshment and renewal for our family. G began to work on our hearts and opened a new door for us. Early in the week we where approached by M John and Ruth Chesnut (no relationship to Tiffany) about coming to K for a year to teach in the school that they started. We laughed at the idea and both thought “we would never go overseas”. (One thing we have both learned is to never say never.) Throughout the rest of the convention we continued to feel G tug at our hearts and He kept bringing this idea of going to K to our minds. We had the opportunity to sit down with the M and we were very excited and encouraged about what was going on in K, in particular at the school. So we began to pray and ask G to open doors and He quickly did. After much prayer, sleepless nights, and wise counsel we decided to accept the call and travel to K to commit to one year of teaching at Prishtina High School. Tiffany will be teaching basic level and pre-Algebra math and Richard will be teaching various elective courses.
K is a Muslim country located north of Macedonia and Greece and to the east of Albania. It is about the size of Connecticut with a population of 2 million people. We will be living in the capital city of Pristina (Prishtina).
In setting out on this new adventure we will have to raise a small amount of support. We will need approximately $1500 a month to live in K (which seems like a very small amount for a family of three). In writing this letter we are asking that you please partner with us as we prepare to serve.

Here are ways you can support:
The adjustment for our family to a new country
Protection from spiritual attacks against our family
The students at the school and the relationships we build with them
A caretaker for Kyler while we are teaching
The K people -- that their hearts are open to the message of JC.
Giving a monthly gift to help us meet our monthly living expenses of $1500
(August 2010-August 2011).
Giving a one time gift to offset several immediate expenses.
*Kyler’s passport-$160
*Various Traveling Expenses-$500
*Immediate expenses to set up our home in Kosova-$300
*Medical Insurance for our entire family for the whole year-$1200

If you choose to help us financially we thank you from the depths of our hearts and would like to encourage you to not just write a check once a month, but to say a P for us and the K people as you write it. We know that this letter comes with a sense of urgency because we will be leaving the country mid-August (our training begins on August 23 and school begins on August 30), so please do not hesitate to call or email if you have any questions. We will also be blogging about our journey to and in K at Please join us on this exciting adventure!

Following HIM,

Richard, Tiffany, and Kyler Jett

Send financial support to:
Forwarding Agent:
Janet E. Bates
1880 N. King Rd.
Marion, Indiana 46952

All monies given are tax deductible:
Please make checks payable to: UCC and write K (the name of the country) in the memo (please do not put our names on the memo)

An answer to P!!!

One of our P request has been answered and PTL!

We have found a nanny for Kyler. As a mommy I was so worried about this because I wanted someone who would love my baby as much as I do and care for him like I would. Ruth helped me get in touch with L***. She is a 19 year old girl who has been raised around the M family. Her brother actually came into the states to attend college at CCU. She is a C and comes highly recommened from Ruth and family!

We are so blessed!!!

Love, Tiffany

L*** (we are not going to share her name for her own protection!)

Monday, July 12, 2010

Too a land far away...

Sitting down to write this blog is so weird....NEVER in a MILLION years did I think that this would be my journey. So many unknowns, so many questions, so much excitement, yet SO much peace. G is doing something in the lives of the Jett family and I am so happy to be a part of it.

Okay so now that I have your curiousity....let me explain.

It is no secret to anyone who knows us that this past year has been a bit of a challenge. We have had our ups and downs and highs and lows. But we look back on our time in California and would not change it for anything. Afterall it is how and why this next journey begun.

Richard resigned from the church in California in April and in June when I finished up my teaching school year we moved to.....well....honestly I am not really sure where we moved too. (ha ha). Our stuff went to Knoxville, Tennessee but we went to my mom's in Joplin, Missouri. The reason that our stuff went to Knoxville was because that is where we were hoping to end up by the end of July. My mom and step-dad graciously opened their home to us for several weeks and then on July 5 we headed north to Indiana to see and spend some time with Richard's family.
But let me back up a little bit...
Over the past several months Richard and I have been crazily applying for jobs. He hasn't heard one thing and I finally was able to get in contact with a principal at a school in Knoxville who was willing to give me an interview on July 23. We were thrilled!! So we relaxed at my moms and continued to P that G would open doors for us. On July 3 I got an email from the principal in Knoxville saying that the positions that she thought she was going to have open fell through. She still wanted to meet me but wasnt sure she would be able to have anything to offer. I was so upset. I was so sure that this was the job that was going to take care of us...that this was exactly what G was lining up for us. As we left my mom's house on July 5 I was very discouraged. Richard parents had graciously offered to share their hotel room with us, pay for our food, and other expenses if we wanted to come spend the week with them at the NACC. We had orginally planned to attend the convention but only for one day (to hear Francis Chan speak). But since they offered and we didnt have anything else to do we thought "what the heck, if nothing else it will be a nice little vacation". So we met up with them in Indianapolis on July 5. That next morning at the NACC we where hanging around the IDES booth when M friends John and Ruth Chesnut (no relationship to me...but so weird we spell our last name the same) came up and asked Rick if he knew of anyone who might be interested in going to K for a year to teach. Rick said jokingly, "Yea, maybe my daughter in law" (pointing to me). They came over and asked me and I responded "sure I will teach anywhere but you have to convince him" (pointing to Richard). Richard heard the convo but was on his way to do something else so he just said "talk to Tiffany and she will give me the info". So I stood there and listened, the whole time feeling this knot in my stomach. I told them I would talk to Richard and let them know. At that point though, I already knew the answer (NO), but I mentioned it to him anyways. We didnt really talk about it the rest of the afternoon and then that evening headed to the main session (Ben Cachiaras spoke). That message is the message that forever changed our lives. It totally kicked our butts (he even used that illustration). He challenged us to P this P "Dear G, Disturb me!" As I sat there I began to cry, I looked over to Richard and he was crying. We were both saying "G we want to be distrubed" We were tired of living the comfortable life, we were tired of playing it safe, we wanted to go. How could we expect others to go if we ourselves werent willing to go? So as we walked out of the session that night Richard whispered "So, wanna go to K?" We both knew that, that was not the time to make a decision. Our emotions where running high....we wanted to take several days to pray, talk to our families, seek wise counsel, and just listen to what G was telling us.
Over the next several days we meet with the M to get more details and we discussed what this would mean for our family and for our relationship. G was working! We both (along with our parents) felt such a peace about the whole situation. So on Saturday (July 10) we called the M and the state-side representative and accepted the invitation to go and teach in K for a year.
K is a Muslim country that desperately needs Jesus. It is North of Macedonia and Greece and East of Albania. It is about the size of Connecticut with a population of 2 million people. We will be living in the capital city of Pristina. Our plan (besides teaching) is to build relationships with the people through English converstation (they all want to learn to speak English).
We do not know the exact date that we will be leaving the country but we assume it will be around August 16 because school orientation starts August 23 and school starts August 30. We have so much to do in the next month but we know that G is working and HE will provide.

Will you please P for us!
Here are some specific P requests:
*P for our marriage and our family
*P for spiritual attacks against our family
*P that we can raise the monthly and one time giving support we need (if you are interested in being a monthly supporter please email me)
*P that we sell our car
*P for the school, for the children, and for the people that we will be meeting

As we embark on this journey let me leave you with these two thoughts:

"If we are going to be followers of JC we cannot be stuck or stagnet--we have to be on the move"

"If you want to go beyond, you have to leave some things behind"

So I ask you friends and family....
What holds you back? What keeps you from being 100% abandoned to our L JC?

Much Love,

(Please add this blog to your favorites....both Richard and I will be documenting our journey and our thoughts here.)