
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Support Update!

2 1/2 weeks until we leave! Before we know it we will be boarding a plane for our journey! So many emotions cloud my thoughts! But G is good and HE is faithful!

We had a little scare this week with Kyler's passport. We received a call from the Passport Administration saying they needed more paperwork for Kyler's passport. Since he is adopted the needed the Adoption Decree (a paper that proves Richard and I actually are his adoptive parents). I had take the decree with us to the post office when we applied for his passport because it had said on-line that they needed it but the post master that processed our paperwork said we didnt so we didnt send it time I am going to go with my gut! :) We sent the needed paperwork yesterday and they assured us that we will receive Ky's passport before we leave!

Support is still coming in.....we now have $750 of the $1500 monthly support we need. HALF WAY THERE! Please consider partnering with us if you aren't already!!! We have also had some very generous one time gifts and had two couples sent money to pay for our health insurance for the whole year. We are blessed! We are still trying to sell our car...but all in G's perfect timing! (we did drop the price if anyone is interested)!!

Hope everyone is having a great week! Continue to keep us in your prayers!
Much love,

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