
Adoption Timeline

November 2010- Began to think and pray about 2nd adoption.

January 2011- Sent email to THOGL to become a "waiting family"

November 2011- Found out that Taiwan government was changing.  It didn't look good for adoptions.

December 2011-Found out that it was a very good possibility that we would not be able to adopt again from THOGL

January 2012-Sent another email to THOGL to find out confirmation about adopting.

Feburary 2012-Receieved confirmation that we needed to look elsewhere to adopt.  New Taiwanese laws would go into affect at the end of May and there was TONS of uncertainity.  Immediately begin praying that God will guide us and direct us in the NEW direction he wants us to go.

April 2012-Finalized decision about second adoption and which country would would pursue.  Began to send emails and figure out how to start.

May 2012-Announced that we would be adopting from St. Vincent!!

May 29, 2012- First Homestudy Appointment

June 1, 2012- GOT REFERRAL....our precious daughter was born March 9, 2012

June 6, 2012-Homestudy for caretaker in St. Vincent; Kadence gets final medical approval

June 10, 2012-Lost Referral from St. Vincent; decided to take a break and pray!

July 2, 2012-Decided to begin specifically praying for God to lead us to the country he wants to adopt from.  Contacted a few orphanges/agencies about possibilities.   Began the wait again.....

July 27, 2012-Didn't know at the time but our beautiful baby girl was born! 

September 3, 2012-Received a late night phone call from across the pond!  It was Ted Skiles from THOGL asking us if we would like to adopt a precious 5 week old baby girl.  WHAT?!??!?  We we were so happy, shocked and confused...we totally thought this was not an option and that we had been taken off "the list".  God is so good! 

September 7, 2012- Finalized Homestudy and emailed it to THOGL for translation

September 15, 2012-Kenzie officially came of the adoption database....she was approved to be adopted by an international family!!!

October 3, 2012-Received all paperwork from Ted

October 4, 2012- Headed to KC for SOS and TECO.

October 5, 2012-Over-nighted paperwork back to Ted in Taiwan

October 8, 2012-Submitted to Taiwanese court for a court date.

October 11, 2012- I600A and fingerprinted in Fort Smith, AR

December 11, 2012-Early morning phone call from Ted saying we could book our tickets to come over for court, but because of the holidays we would  not be able to come until after the new year. 

January 7, 2013-Left the US for court in Taiwan

January 10, 2013-Social Worker appt. in Taiwan

January 11, 2013-COURT DATE!! (and met Kenzie's birth family)

January 16, 2013-Headed back to the US :(   (This was one of the hardest days of my life...I had to leave my precious girl)

February 8-18, 2013- Courts closed in Taiwan for Chinese New Year.

February 23, 2013-Got an email from Ted.....WE GOT OUR FIRST DECREE!!!!!!!!!  Kenzie is officially ours!  PTL!

March 13, 2013-WE GOT OUR SECOND DECREE!!!

March 17, 2013-Tiffany left to go bring Kenzie home!

March 21, 2013- AIT appointment....adoption process is officially DONE!!

March 23, 2013- Tiffany and Kenzie head home


1 comment:

  1. May God lead you to the right country. We adopted our oldest in 2005 from THOGL, have had 2 biological kids, and desired to adopt again from Taiwan, but decided as you that it may not be wise w' the changes. (We weren't told no, but as nothing was opening up and our home study was getting done we desided to look at our agencies waiting kid's list and found a little boy in China that we decided to go for - that was in May of this year.) Our dossier was sent over 2 weeks ago (so waiting for our Log in Date), and praying he'll be home soon!
