
Saturday, January 19, 2013

First of all I apologize for not updating the blog while we were in Taiwan.....for those of you who didn't hear or didn't get my FB message my blog would not work properly in Taiwan.  So sorry! 

I have so much to catch you all up on....

The most important thing you should know is KENZIE is perfect!

We have fallen in love with this precious baby girl and cannot wait to bring her home!  Many have asked when that will be and honestly we have no idea.  There has been so many variations in processed cases that we do not even have an estimated time.  We will know more once our first decree is issued...but until then all we can do is trust and pray it is soon.

Leaving Kenzie was one of the hardest things I have ever done.  My heart shattered into pieces when I had to say good-bye.  Writing about it right now brings the tears and the emotions.  Surviving over the next several weeks or months until we can bring her home is going to be so difficult.  I ask for your prayers, support, and encouragement.  I am going to do my best to focus on my family right now....these are our last days of being a family of 3.  So I want to give Kyler the attention he needs before his world drastically changes too.

So Taiwan....
Everything was amazing.  We had the chance to do some sight-seeing and a tiny bit of shopping.  We mainly hung around THOGL and helped out with the babies.  There are SO many babies there right now that they need all hands on deck.  Plus it was important to keep Kenzie on their schedule since we would be leaving her. 
Our social worker appointment and court appointment both went amazing.  Richard and I were so nervous, but God went before us and all went smoothly. 
Besides meeting Kenzie the highlight of the trip was meeting Kenzie's birthmother and grandmother.  It was such a special meeting and God was glorified.  There were lots of tears and questions...but we all left the meeting with a since of hope and love for each other.  I am so thankful that I was able to take pictures to show Kenzie one day.  What a special treasure that will be for her.

There is so much more to our trip that I want to share...but that is all I have the energy for right now.  As a few of you know...when we got home (on Thursday) I got super sick.  I call it my "jet lag curse".  Everytime I come home from going somewhere internationally I get sick....vomiting and all of the not fun stuff that goes with that.  I am finally feeling a little bit better this morning.  Thank you Jesus!

Please Pray:
*Our paperwork will be processed quickly and decrees will be issued in record time.  (It's been one week since court)
*The bonding that we started with Kenzie will not be completely lost
*That God will provide someone to travel with me on the second trip to pick up Kenzie.  (We cannot financially afford for Richard to go so I am going to be traveling by is very scary to think about traveling internationally by myself and then bringing a baby home internationally by myself.  We know that God will give me the strength but it would be amazing if someone could go with me or we could come up with the money for Richard to go.)
*We have several adoptive family friends who are also waiting on decrees right now...please pray that they will get those decrees soon and that they can bring their babies home! 

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