
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Good news today! 

Ted emailed this morning.  The courts sent notice that our court appointment is on Jan. 11 at 9:30am which is Jan. 10 7:30pm Joplin time.  So please set your clocks, calendars, and alarms to be praying for us during that time!  We are unsure if Kenzie's birth mom will meet us at court or come to THOGL first and ride with us to court.  But we are very excited, anxious, and nervous for that meeting.  We want God to be glorified and for Him to give us the words to say to her.  We are forever indebted to her and the precious gift she has given us.  So please pray for her as well.  We know that this will be a very hard time for her.

Several friends who are adopting from THOGL are having hold ups in their cases.  The judge and social workers seem to be moving very slowly right now.  Please pray for them and that they will not get discouraged in their waiting.  God's timing is perfect and it is so hard to understand that some times.  Please also pray that the judge and social worker will work through our case rapidly.  As Chinese New Year approaches in Feb. we are hoping that they judge will want to process as many cases as possible before that date....if not it could set us back a week or two.  We are still praying to have her home in March.  We were told that is very realistic and actually it could be even sooner because of paperwork that has already been completed towards our case.  We pray this is true.  It would be so much fun to have Kenzie at Kyler's 6th birthday party...which is March 16! 

Thank you for your continued prayers!  We feel them and know God hears them! May HE be given all the glory and praise through this process!

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