
Sunday, June 3, 2012

It is setting in.....

We had a great morning at church showing of Kadence's picture's to everyone (we got 4 more this morning!!!), after church we went to my mom's house for lunch and we just sat around and talked about how life is about to change, the holidays, and "the process".  It was great to just relax and think about my girl!!  
We are so excited but reality is really setting in that this process is happening so fast and since it is happening so fast we werent as prepared as we were hoping to be.  I got to make a Walmart run yesterday to get things to send to her (lotion, formula, diapers, clothes, pacifier, bottles, chewing toys.....all requests from her caretaker).  She is my daughter so it was so awesome to shop for her and be able to provide these things for her but I am NOT looking forward to the cost of shipping it down to her in St. Vincent.  Diapers and formula are VERY expensive in St. Vincent so we have to ship it from the states.  This is going to be very costly since she is going through both pretty quickly.....but worth it :)

Another reality is that we are barely into the paper process.  Our homestudy is almost complete but after that we have several more steps to go.  We are currently at a stand still with paperwork because we have to get some money together to make it happen.  All of the adoption expenses for St. Vincent are due at the beginning of the process (we did not know that when we started) except for the plane tickets and monthly stipen we have to send for her care.  So we are a bit in panic mode on how we are going to make this happen.....but we know that God is able. :)   We have our auction coming up June 11-15 so that will prayerfully take care of our US stateside costs. 

We have been so blessed by all of the phone calls, emails, and FB posts hat we have received!  Thank you to everyone for already loving our baby girl and loving us!  We are so blessed with such an amazing support system.....can't wait until Kadence get's to come home and be a part of this craziness!!

As far as process goes...
We found out yesterday that St. Vincent has a 5 month mandatory wait period for relinquishment adoptions.  So the earliest we will be able to go get Kadence is Nov. 1 (since her referral was June 1).....this made us very sad but at least we will get to have her home by the holidays!!!
Like I mentioned earlier we are finishing up our homestudy and then we will apply for the I600A and get fingerprinted.  Once that is completed (who knows how long it will all take) we will send our completed homestudy along with the St. Vincent paperwork, lawyers fees, and adoption fees to St. Vincent.  Then we will go before the Adoption Board for approval.  There are a few more steps after that but that is the main steps that we are focusing on right now!  In the meantime Kadence's St. Vincent caretaker will be having a homestudy on her house (as soon as we send the money down for this) to make sure her home is acceptable (we are not worried....her caretaker is an amazing Godly women....a graduate from WISE...the bible college in St. Vincent).  

So lots to get done!  I am so thankful that I am on Summer break..... :)

Please continue to pray for us, for Kadence, for finances, and that God is glorified in our adoption process!!

Much Love....

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