
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

As the "love season" approaches I am reminded of all love that I have been blessed with!
I have an amazing husband who loves me as his bride....
I have an amazing son who loves me as his mother....
I have an amazing God who loves me as his daughter....
I am blessed.

This year promises to be a year of change, growth, and love....and I am excited!

Richard and I have so many "goals" that we hope to accomplish this year but we know that our first goal is to love unconditionally. That is so hard. There are times when I get so frustrated with life. I get frustrated because we dont have jobs, I get frustrated because we dont have enough money, I get frustrated because nothing ever seems to "go right". But when it is all said and done I know that we both have a love for each other that is unconditional and that will see us through these "rough times".

My challenge for you for the month, for the year is to love as Christ loves.
Life is hard....I get it. I have been through a crazy year myself but no matter what I am committed to loving others. My husband, my son, my friends, my church family, my co-workers.

How will you love??

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