
Thursday, November 4, 2010

This week.....

We survived an earthquake, midterms, and crazy warm weather (after having snow last week).
Yes you read that sentence correctly....this past Wednesday morning at 2am a 5.3 earthquake shook Prishtina.....and Richard and I slept right through it! It was quite the talk around school the next day and we had no idea that it had even happened. Most of our friends where awakened by the shaking while Richard and I were sawing logs :) Apparently since we have been here there has been a total of 4 earthquakes, but this past one was the largest. Didn't realize when we moved to K that we would have to think about earthquakes!

This week was midterms at the school. Most of my students did very well....the average score was a B+, so I was very pleased. Richard's students struggled a bit more (but they tell me he is a hard grader....ha ha!) We are now one-fourth of the way through the school year. This next term will go by very quickly because we have both Thanksgiving and Christmas break! yay!!! (one of the many reasons I LOVE being a teacher)

Last week, as many of you saw on my facebook, we had our first snow. It was CRAZY. It lasted for about 4 hours and was a constant stream of huge flakes. It didnt stick because the ground was so warm but it was beautiful. We thought we were going to be welcoming Winter a bit early this year...but we were wrong. This week we have had super warm temps (for this time of year). Tomorrow (Friday) it is supposed to be 70 degrees. Crazy! But unfortunately we were told not to get to excited....within the next 10 days we will be back down into the 20s and 30s......BRRRRRRRRRRRR. I hope my body can handle this!!!!

We are looking forward to another great weekend. Tomorrow night we are having some friends, who live here in Pristina, but are originally from Scotland over for dinner and then on Saturday Richard is going with a group of people to hike the tallest mountain in K. He is very excited, but a bit nervous. We have heard it is a very tough hike, but I know he can do it. They will be going again in the Spring and I cant wait to join them. I am just not quite healthy enough to make the Ky and I are going to have a "mommy and Ky" day. I have some fun things planned for us...hopefully the weather cooperates!

All is well here in K! We love each of you! Thank you for joining us on this journey!

Much Love,

PS....For those who havent heard...Richard's sister, Rachel, got engaged over the weekend! YAY!! So we will be having a wedding in June once we return!!! So exciting! CONGRATS JOSH AND RACHEL!!! WE LOVE YOU BOTH!

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