
Thursday, September 9, 2010

Update on life in K!

Hello friends and family,

I know that it has been a week or so since I have posted...and I am so sorry about that. We started school and it has been a bit crazy, but hopefully we will get into our routine and things will slow down.
So much has happened and I have some very neat stories to share!

Kyler has made a few new friends. Our landlord has grandchildren and they come and visit often. So when Kyler heard children outside playing he immediately wanted to be a part of the action. He is now friends with Blend and Blerona (pronounced Blair-own-a). They are a few years older than him but they love him as much as he loves them.

Today was the end of Ramadan. So we have today and tomorrow off school because it is a national holiday. This morning at 9:00am our landlords son showed up on our front door step with a huge tray full of food (rice, chicken legs, peppers, roast beef and flee) it was delicious. At first I was like I so cannot eat this at 9:00am but they were not going to leave until we took our first bite. Then about 2 hours later they showed up again with a huge plateful of desserts. Fortunately they didnt wait around to see if we would eat any of it. So we can save it for later. They are very generous to us and we appreciate their willingness to make sure we are comfortable in a new country.
Below is a picture of us with our landlord and his wife.

School is off to a great start. We have felt a bit overwhelmed with lesson planning and preparation but we are well on our way to having success in our classrooms. Richard has already had some major breakthroughs with some of the kids (most of you saw the email he sent out). We P that those relationships continue to grow and that those students will get the counsel that they need. Richard has also began a relationship with a man, F******, at our school who is asking questions about "our father" and wanting to seek answers and truth. He is very devote in his religious beliefs so this has proved as a great challenge for Richard....yet one that is very exciting! Please continue to keep F****** in your P.

We are all adjusting very well. G is blessing us so much! Richard and I had the opportunity to go out on a date last night while L*** stayed late to care for Kyler. It was so nice to have some time alone to talk and process life in K (so far).
We are very excited that we get to go to Orllan (a village) on Saturday and Sunday to visit some very dear friends. They just got back from the states and we are excited to take a break from city life and enjoy some country living! We appreciate their willingness to open their home to us. We know that Kyler will love running around on some green grass!!! While there we will also get to meet L*** family. She has been such a blessing to us so far and we are excited to meet the people who are responsible for raising a wonderful young lady!
L*** and I had a wonderful conversation this morning. She found out this past week that she passed the exam that allows her to attend University. We rejoice with her and are very excited for her. We talked this morning about her goals and dreams for her future. She would love to become a nurse and a mi**ion**y (do medical work in other countries). How exciting is that??? We P that G will make a way for her to do both. She is such a wonderful young lady who loves JC with all over heart and her desire is to serve him.

Our newsletter will be coming out tomorrow so look for that in your email inbox! We have been so blessed by our friends and family. We appreciate your generosity, love and support to us while we are in K.

Love you all!!

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