
Tuesday, August 31, 2010


We are blessed! We were able to purchase a new computer! PTL! Once again we were shown generosity! Thank you for those who helped in purchasing the new computer! It cost just a bit more than we originally thought but it was all taken care of!

We will be posting our first newsletter this weekend! Due to the craziness of school starting we will not be able to put it all together until this weekend!

Thank you faithful supporters! We appreciate your generosity and your prayers! Without you this journey (that we love SOOO much) would not be possible!

Richard and Tiffany

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

To the supermarket I go.....

Finally after a week of eating whatever we can find at our corner market I was able to take a taxi and go out to our BIG supermarket. It was a great experience....and probably quite comical to those watching. I went with 2 other teachers from the school. Richard stayed home with Kyler because I needed to be able to focus.....focus??....yes, focus! Do you realize how hard it is to grocery shop when you do not know one bit of the language? is crazy. In the states grocery shopping typically takes me 30-45 minutes...depending on how much I have to get. Here it takes double that. I am slowly starting to learn and THANK GOODNESS for pictures is a job in itself! Anyways....I was able to get enough stuff to hopefully last us 2 weeks. We might be eating the exact same thing each night....but we wont starve :)

The first week of orientation at the school is going great. I have felt a bit overwhelmed but I know that G is watching over us and that we will get everything accomplished! I am excited to meet my students next week and get the year in full swing!

I also wanted to give an update on our "computer fund". We have $125 of the $500 that we need to purchase a new computer. Please consider joining us in this effort?

We are all doing well! We love K and look forward to the weekend so we can do a bit more exploring around the city. We have a holiday on Sept 9 and 10 so we plan to go out to the village to stay with our "friends" for a night or two. We are REALLY looking forward to that!

Please continue to P that we sell our car!

Love you all!


Sunday, August 22, 2010

An Update!

Mirdita! (Hello!)

Si Je? (How are you?)

I decided to share a little of the Albanian that I have been learning with you! We have realized that it is a very hard language to learn (there are 36 letters in their alphabet) but we will take it a day at a time. :) Tomorrow we are start at the school. We have one week of training and work in the classroom and then the students come next Monday, Aug. 30. We are very excited to get started. We are also blessed because we know that Kyler will be in good hands. We met our "nanny" on Friday. She is going to be such a blessing to us. She loves the L very much and she and Kyler already hit it off. We are so thankful! We P that it will continue to be a good situation. She is a from a village about an hour (by bus) from us and she will take the bus in each morning. She is the only member in her family who will be working and providing a wage for them to live on. Her parents are not C....but her sister and brother are. Her brother attends college in the states (on scholarship) at CCU. She told me on Friday she would love to come to the states to attend college because she would like to be a doctor (or nurse) but it is too expensive. I am going to begin to P now that G will make a way for her. Will you join me? For the past 4 years in school she study pharmacy and is going to be taking a test next month that would allow her to come to the states if she wanted.

We had the amazing opportunity of attending church this morning here in the city. It was much like our church service back at home....familiar songs and great teaching. It was a bit difficult to follow at times because of the service being translated but we felt so comfortable and it was great to lift our voice in praise to our father in English, while they sang in Albanian.

We have a praise.....RICHARDS LUGGAGE WAS FOUND! While we were at church this morning our vice principal got a phone call from the airport saying that they had it. PTL! We were so happy.

We do have one need that has been brought to our attention that we would like to share with you. We hate to ask for more, since many of you have already given SO much. They had told us that each teacher would need a computer in their classroom to take role, lunch count, and do lesson plans on, so Richard and I thought that we could just share one. Unfortunately that is not going to work. Our classrooms (as of now) are not even on the same level and there is no way that we can each take role and lunch count each morning on one computer. It was also decided that Richard is going to teach the students in his Speech class how to use Powerpoint with their speeches and so he would need a computer in his room almost daily to be able to teach this concept. We thought that maybe the school would have an extra, but found out today that there are not any computers available for our use. So we need to purchase a new computer. We are going to talk to the IT guy at our school tomorrow but there is a DELL store here in K that we can purchase a computer from (and we would still be able to use it in the US). The rough estimate cost for a fully-equipped computer here is about $500.....they are considerably cheaper here than in the US. We ask that you would take some time to P about giving towards this need? Or maybe you could ask your church to take up a love offering to cover this need? We feel very humbled by all of your generosity so far and know that it is only by G grace that we are here getting to serve here.

How you can P?
*That we sale our car in America.
*Kyler and his relationship with our "nanny"
*G will supply us with a computer
* we begin the new school year tomorrow.
* they prepare to come back to school.

We love you all very much!

Faleminderit! (thank you)

The Jett's

Thursday, August 19, 2010

We have arrived....

Wow...what a crazy past few days we have had. To say we are tired is the understatement of the year. We arrived in K on Tuesday night 11:35pm as planned. The flights were very smooth and Kyler did GREAT. He is such a trooper! The 9 hour layover in Croatia was a bit LONG....but we had the opportunity to meet a girl (she is 25 years old) that was from K but now lived in Sweden (to study). She was not a believer but we had a great conversation with her....we even taught her a fun American card game. She loved it and we loved having her to visit with and pass the time. Unfortunately we do have one thing for you to P about....Richards suitcase was lost in travel and we still have not received it :( We have no idea when it will arrive. The fortunate thing was that Richards suitcase had been over the weight limit and so I had to pack several of his jeans and shirts in my suitcase so he has had some clothing to wear and we just went to our local store and bought him the other necessities.

Yesterday we went around town and pick up a few things for our apartment. We love where we are living. Our landlord is very nice and helpful and we are in a very convenient location. It has been a bit more expensive than we originally thought to get the necessities for our home but it will all work out! Today we got to go see the school. It is so nice. We will find out on Monday where are classrooms are.....but we met several of the other teachers and we are very excited about the team we will be working with.

Something very cool about are apartment is, is that we live behind a church. It is a C church and we are going to attend there on Sunday. We met one of the couples that "work" there. They are so nice and our age. They are both from K, but speak very good English. The wife is also pregnant and due in I am excited to be here for the birth of the baby! Get my baby fix :) We do plan on going to church with our "friends" that introduced us to K but they are still in the states and that church it is about an hour away so we will probably only go once or twice a month. We will just have to see how all that works out!

Our first impressions of K are good. Prishtina is a very busy city. The roads are bad, there is ALOT of construction, and we do not understand what anyone is saying to us....but we feel

Okay this is SOO random...but our landlord just came into our apartment and said something in Albanian and left with our stove. Richard and I are laughing because we have NO idea what just happened. Anyways....back to our impressions...oh wait he is coming back in. I guess he just bought us a new stove AND refrigerator. Wow....we thought the stove worked great. Our old fridge was small (it was the size of the one I had in my college dorm room) but apparently because of the "baby" (Kyler) they wanted us to have nicer stuff. Wow, another blessing.

Okay back to impressions (for real).....we feel very blessed and know that it is by G grace that we are here and that we get to serve here. We know THERE WILL be hard times...(I cried myself to sleep the first night) but we also know that there will be good times. We are just so thankful that we get to experience this as a family and we thank each of you for being a part of this journey with us!

Please P for us!
*We still need to sale our car in the states.
*We meet our "nanny" tomorrow....we hope it is a good situation for all.
*Our family and attacks that will be brought against us.
*Students at our school
*Teachers at our school

Sunday, August 8, 2010

We are almost there...

One week from tomorrow we will hop on a plane and head across the ocean to K! We are SOO excited and ready for this journey to begin! G has continued to bless us and we are so thankful! As we get ready to start our last week in the US will you please join us in P!

P Request:

*Richard's continued healing and most of you have heard he had to be taken to the ER this morning and had to have a minor surgery done. He is recovering very well....but there is still a risk of infection.
*We still need $350 a month in monthly support...will you please P about partnering with us and giving a monthly gift. If you cannot give a monthly gift please consider supporting us with a one time gift to cover several immediate expenses that we have and also one time expenses that will occur throughout the year!
*This week will be full of craziness and I am sure that my mind will just want to explode....pray that I will get some good sleep/rest so that I can be productive during the day! (I havent been sleeping well...too much to think about).

We look forward to taking this journey with you all! Blessings to you!

Love, Tiffany

Friday, August 6, 2010

Love my blog!!!

Dont you love the creativity of our blog??

Our blog was specially designed by Lacey Baker. She is amazing at design and creativity. If you are interested in using her services please let me know! She is VERY reasonable ($25.00) and is great to work with!!! (She also designed the blog that I mentioned in my last post.)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


We officially have our travel dates to K. We will be leaving Indianapolis on August 16 at 3:12pm and arrive in K on August 17 at 11:35pm....about 29 hours of a journey it will be! We are so excited!

We also want to thank those who have given one time gifts and also monthly support gifts. We are so blessed because of your generosity. We do still have a few one time needs that need to be met and also we need $400 more a month in support. If you would like information on how you can meet one of our one time needs or if you would like to partner with us in monthly support please contact us at

**On a side note...we have some very good friends who are adopting 2 babies from Ethiopia. Please follow there blog and check out the awesome ways you can help them!

Much Love to you all!

Monday, August 2, 2010

$10 Challenge

In deciding to go to K and in all the preparation there is one main lesson that G has been teaching me: Sacrifice. I have been learning to sacrifice my plan for His purpose and my things for His task. One would think that having been in M for 6 years that I had learned this lesson. But somewhere along the way I began compromising by following my desire instead of His Spirit. Then in November of last year He began to stir His Spirit within me letting me know that I was not where He wanted me to be. He was calling me to something else, but I refused to take time to listen because I was comfortable. I was where I wanted be; doing what I wanted to do. Like Jonah I set out to run as far as I could from the still voice and like Jonah G showed me grace by disciplining me (without the fish) and bringing me back to a place where I willingly surrendered to whatever His will might be for me…for us.

I never thought serving overseas for a year was in His plans for us, but here we are preparing to leave for K in two weeks. In this short time of preparation G has been teaching us, but especially me, the joy and peace in surrendering to Him and making the necessary sacrifices. The way He has worked through His people to provide for us has been amazing.

  • The day we sent out the call for school supplies people from across the nation have been helping us get all the supplies we will need.
  • All of the one time gifts we asked for specifically in our support letter have been answered.
  • We have $1,100 of our $1,500 monthly support raised.

We thank G for all that have helped us and that are standing beside us. We praise G for working through everyone and that they were sensitive enough to His Spirit to obey and make sacrifices to so that we might be a witness to those in K.

We do not take these sacrifices lightly. In fact in preparing to go we are making sacrifices wherever we can. For instance we are selling both of our vehicles. I never thought I would sell my truck, but I am so that I can lower the price of our other car so it might sell before we leave. What will we do when we return? We don’t know, but we trust that the sacrifice is worth it and G will provide. Our time of sacrificing doesn’t end in two weeks when we fly to K either. Once we get to K we will be faced with sacrifice everyday like not having the convenience of a Wal-Mart on every corner or a car to use when we need to make a quick run.

But all the sacrifices are worth it, because G is closes when we sacrifice in order to serve Him. He is worth it to us. Knowing Him and making Him known is our greatest desire, and by sacrificing it leads to greater dependence on Him. Sacrifice puts us in a spot where if He does not come through we are doomed. And Scriptures tells us again and again that G loves to show off by providing for His people.

So let me ask you questions that have shaken me to the core of my being: Is He your greatest desire? Is being as close to Him as possible what you long for more than anything else? If so what do you need to sacrifice?

Could it be that supporting us for $10 a month for the next year would be a sacrifice for you? We are $400 a month away from our needed to support. But if 40 people would be willing to support us for the next year at $10 a month we would be at our needed support.

This might mean that every month you will have to sacrifice:

  • Two drinks at Starbucks
  • Eating out 1 meal
  • Subscription to NetFlix
  • Going to the Movies
  • Buying your favorite comfort food

But in that sacrifice I think you will find what Tiffany and I are finding out…G is closer than you think. You just have to make the necessary sacrifice. Will you?

For Him,


If you want to answer to the $10 Challenge please email us at
Information on where to send checks and how to fill them out is found at the bottom of the Support Letter Blog (Click Here).

New Email...

We have a new email address:

Please fill free to contact us there if you have any questions!

We leave the country in 14 days!

Support is at:

$1050 of the $1500 monthly that we need! G is providing! We are still P for a few more individuals who will partner with us in a financial way!!
