
Saturday, September 22, 2012

I love Fall.....

I love it when the leaves change....
I love it when the weather gets a bit cooler....
I love it when my husband is constantly yelling at the TV (College Football)
and I love it because it means it is closer to the Holiday season!

I love Fall.....

Today is the first day of Fall.  We got to kick off the Fall season by taking Kyler and my niece Bailee to The Bluegrass Festival here in our hometown.  It was a such a beautiful day to walk around outside and do a little bit of shopping and playing.  I love hanging out with my family.

This Fall season is sure to bring lots of excitement around the Jett household as we prepare for the Holiday season and a New Year.  God has truly blessed us and I am so thankful. 


Monday, September 17, 2012

This weekend was one of the busiest weekends we have had in a long time....but we loved every minute of it!  

Friday night I got to go out with some fellow THOGL momma's for a Girl's Night Out!  It was so fun to eat, chat, and talk about our precious children.  Then on Saturday morning Kyler and I got to meet up with April and Lilli Chism for a swim date (at their hotel) and lunch at Chick Fil A.  April is one of those friends that I love dearly.  She is a fellow adoptive mommy and seeing her with Lilli inspires me to be a better mommy.  She has truly become a kindred spirit and I am so glad that we finally got to meet in person!  Next time...I am going to her!  She lives in Portland, OR.  I have never been there and would love to visit that part of the country!  

Then that Saturday evening we got to meet up with over 100 members of our THOGL family!  Families came from OR, NY, IN, TN, KS, and MO to reunite our precious children!  God has truly blessed us with such an amazing group of people.  We truly thank God everyday for Ted and Bev Skiles and THOGL.  Our family is complete because of them! 

THOGL children that were at the reunion

Kyler and a couple of his buddies!  The little guy in the middle was a boy that was a crib mate of Kyler's at THOGL!

We are already looking forward to the CNY 2013 celebration to see some of our best friends again!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

My encouragement....

I haven't been getting much sleep lately for a variety of isn't because I am not tired....because I am stinking exhausted.  I just haven't really wanted to sleep because I would much rather be working on other stuff.  God is so good and he has truly blessed my family! 

There are those times when you look at your life and you feel completely overwhelmed by it all....but after over a year of feeling that way...I get it.  God knows what he is doing.  He is in control!

My dear friend, Kate, has a necklace that she made and it simply reads...."be still"  There have been so many times in my life that God has been whispering those words to me...yet I have chosen to ignore them.  But when I finally listened...HE stilled my heart and gave me my greatest desire! 

We are on a journey.  Our journey does not look like anyone else.  It is a journey that has had some major highs and some major lows....but I wouldn't change it for anything.  It is a journey that is easy to judge by others....a journey that others can look at and say "you should do it this way or that way".....but I don't want others opinions to try and change it...because it is ours!  God has used our journey as a testament of his redeeming power and love.  He has chosen US to be his a calling!  

Let Him be the author of your life...."be still" in Him.  Remember it is easy to become very jealous of what others have or what others have been blessed with....but rest assure in your journey....God has you exactly where HE wants you!!

Much love...

Thursday, September 6, 2012

A two month hiatus.....whoops!

I really needed the break from the blog world.  After all the craziness with fundraising and losing our referral it was nice sign off for a while!

But I am back!

Good things are happening in the Jett family!  We serve a God who is so stinking awesome and He continually shows me how trusting in him and his perfect timing is what it is all about!

For those who are curious we are still on the road to adopt a baby girl!  Please pray for us and for our journey.  God is working and with Him all things are possible!

In other news.....

Kyler started school on August baby boy is growing up!  I still cant believe it sometimes that I am his mommy!  He is so stinking amazing and I know that he is going to grow up and do BIG things for Jesus!  I am blessed.
School has been a huge change for me.  I am now teaching 4th grade.  It has already had it's moments of challenge but I love it.  I am so thankful for the amazing and supportive group of ladies that I teach with.
Richard is same ole same ole....working his rear off (literally...ha ha) for our family!  He is such an amazing provider.  His heart is for God and his family and I love him so much for that.

Well I hope to make this blog a bit more consistent,  but that is all I have got for now!

*We continue to ask for donations to help off set the cost of our if you are feeling generous, win the lottery, or just plain want to help....we would be FOREVER grateful!  (Click on the DONATE button)

God is good!