
Sunday, January 16, 2011

'bout time....

Good grief....I am SO far behind on my blogging. I still have our layout as a Christmas theme. Gonna have to work on that!

Many of you are probably interested in what the Jett family is doing now that we are back in the states.

We all finally made it here after delayed flights and awful weather. We enjoyed spending the holidays with my family. It was great to see family that we hadnt seen in a while. After the first of the year we began seriously working on getting my surgery taken care of but unfortunately have ran into one problem after another. The latest is that my insurance is causing us major grief and they are wanting all this paperwork. We have submitted the paperwork and now are waiting for them to review it and get back with us as to what their decision is (if they will cover it or not). Hopefully we will hear something very soon and I can get it all taken care of.

We are still job hunting (well Richard is...I will be starting the process soon when we find out exactly where we will be living). He is looking in Knoxville, TN and in Joplin, MO. He has sent out at least 50 applications and resumes to places in Knoxville and we have heard now we are focusing more on the Joplin area, praying that some of our connections here will turn into something.

We have been attending College Heights Christian Church here in Joplin since we have been back and WE LOVE IT. We are going to try and get into a small group and attend Wednesday night elective classes. We are so thankful for a good church to attend and experience growth with.

Overall we are doing good! Enjoying being back with our friends and family but miss Kosova like crazy.

Hopefully we will have job updates VERY soon!!

Love you all very much,

PS. Check out my friends blog! She is getting ready to start an online auction and all the proceeds go to their adoption of two children from Ethiopia. Please support them if you can!